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The customised medals and prizes are available for pickup at the Amazfit shop 

(SOGO 4/F, 555 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay , Near Nike. Opening hours:10am-10pm)  Please collect your medal and prize according to the list ( link) on or before 13/11/2022. 


You will also be invited to take a photo with your prize and award as we plan to put together a virtual award ceremony album.  

​更新:有關得獎者訂製 獎牌及獎項已經安排好。請參閱得獎者名單及前往Amazfit營業點領取。地點:銅鑼灣崇光百貨 4樓,營業時間早上10時-晚上10時。請於2022年11月13日或以前領取。


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Event Sponsors 贊助:

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Peng Chau Challenge 坪洲環島泳賽

Peng Chau Challenge is an Open Water Swim Race to be held on 9th October 2022, Sunday. 

The race has 3 distances to choose from: 1.7km, 3.4km and around the island 5.5km.


Swimmers will have the opportunity to swim in the clear water along the shore of Peng Chau Island.  All finishers will receive a souvenir! 

Quota is limited and slots will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis.

坪洲環島泳賽 為公開水域泳賽 ,將於假期2022年10月9日( 星期日)舉行。 此游泳比賽設有 1.7公里,3.4公里和環島5.5公里。



參賽名額有限,先到先得, 額滿即止。

About Peng Chau 關於坪洲

Half an hour away from Central, Peng Chau is one of the most relax outer islands.  With scenic treks, ancient relics, traditional temples, strong community vibes and no cars in sight, steeping ashre on this tranquil island feels like travelling back in time to old Hong Kong.

坪洲為不足一平方公里的小島,從繁華的中環船程只需半小時可到達。坪洲充滿休閒舒適鄉土風味,擁有山徑 及海灘,具有傳統歷史的廟宇以及漁村的風味, 與繁華市區形成強烈對比, 加上本地各種具有特色餐廳和食肆, 實屬週末度假的好去處。

Please refer for more details 詳情可參閱網頁介紹: (粵語) (ENGLISH)

Race Date/Time 比賽日期/時間 

Oct 9th, 2022

1.7km              8:20am-10:10am      ( 1st wave start time  第一浪泳手下水時間~  8:20am)           

3.4km              10:00am-11:40am      ( 1st wave start time  第一浪泳手下水時間~ 10:00am)     

5.5km              11:25am-1:10pm      ( 1st wave start time  第一浪泳手下水時間~11:25am) 

Race Cut Off time 完成時限

1.7km, 60 mins

3.4km, 95 mins ; 1.7km checkpoint 50mins

5.5km 135mins ; 1.7km checkpoint 45mins

Race Fee 收費


1.7km race

  • Early Bird:   $350 (until  Sept 21th, 10pm)

  • Standard:    $400  

3.4km race

  • Early Bird:   $450 (until  Sept 21th, 10pm)

  • Standard:    $500  

5.5km race

  • Early Bird:   $550 (until  Sept 21th, 10pm)

  • Standard:    $600  

Registration closes on 3/10/2022 , Monday at 6:00pm

登記網站將於10月3日 週一 下午6:00 關閉。

OWSSHK Sun Cap 太陽帽 $100

Jaked Swim Buoy $180

OWSSHK Towel,  毛巾 $100


1.7km Challenge:

AG 年齡組別: 15&Under, 16-19, 20-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&Over; Male and Female

3.4km Challenge:

AG年齡組別: 15&Under, 16-19, 20-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&Over; Male and Female

5.5km Challenge:

AG年齡組別: 19&Under, 20-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&Over; Male and Female

Age group based on age on the race date 年齡組別將會以參賽者與比賽日的年齡計算

Medals/prizes 獎牌 /獎項

Medals/prizes will be mailed to top 3 participants in each AG category.

獎牌 /獎項將以郵寄方式寄與組別頭三位泳手。

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Course Maps 1.7KM 比賽路線圖 1.7 公里

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Course Maps 3.4KM 比賽路線圖 3.4 公里

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Course Maps 5.5KM 比賽路線圖 5.5 公里

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Water Depth 水深 / Swim Zone 泳區

Water Current 水流

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Tide information PCC 2022.png

Rules and Regulations 規則及條款

  1. Participants are required to meet the following cut off times. 參賽者須於指定時限完成有關賽事

    • 1.7km Challenge - 60 mins

    • 3.4km Challenge - 95 mins (1.7km checkpoint 50mins)

    • 5.5km Challenge - 135mins (1.7km checkpoint 45mins)

  2. Declaration of responsibility is required for all swimmers. 

  3.  No one should join the race unless he/she is physically fit, and in excellent health condition. 參賽者 需確保具備良好體能及健康狀態, 否則切勿參與此比賽。

  4. Participants may be asked to provide proof of competence. Failure to do so will not be allowed to participate in the event. 比賽單位可能要求泳手提供 能夠於時限內完成比賽的相關證明, 無法提供者將無法參加比賽。

  5. Participants must obey instructions to kayakers, helpers and personnel of the race. 泳手必須遵從艇手及支援人員的所有比賽安排指示。

  6. Participants will take full responsibility and safety during the race. 泳手於比賽期間須為自己的安全負上全部責任。

  7. Wetsuits, fins and paddles are not allowed in the race. 泳手於比賽期間不可穿戴任何游泳輔助器具,包括Wetsuits, fins and paddles 。

  8. SAFETY BUOYS are mandatory during the ENTIRE race.​ 安全浮波必須於比賽期間全程戴上。


Coronavirus Disease Precaution & Rules預防新冠肺炎守則及規條:

  1. No sick participants should join the race. 有疾病或任何不適人士切勿參加比賽。

  2. Personnel under the quarantine period are not allowed to join the race. 任何人士接受檢疫期間切勿參加比賽。

  3. Participants must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 which is equivalent to the prevailing "Vaccine" Pass arrangement. 所有人士必須接受完成新冠肺炎疫苗注射 , 及於比賽當日出示疫苗通行證。

  4. Participants are required to obtain a negative result of a rapid antigen test on the day of the event before the start of the race. 參賽者必須提供 於比賽當日快速測試“陰性紀錄”。

  5. Swimmers are required to take polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test within 48 hours prior to the race. Only those swimmers who possess negative result proof of both PCR test and RAT are allowed to take part in the race. Test results will be checked at registration. 參賽者必須 比賽日48小時之內接受核酸檢查。 只有“核酸檢查” 及”快速測試“呈“陰性”之泳手可參加比賽。 

  6. Participants with body temperature above 37.5C will not be allowed to race. 參賽者體溫超過37.5度 以上這不可參加比賽。

  7. Participants are advised to keep social distance of not less than 1.5m with one another in the race venues. 參賽者比賽當日必須遵照社交距離不少於1.5米的限制。

  8. Participants must wear masks at all times, except during the swim race. 參賽者於比賽前後必須全程戴上口罩。

  9. No prize presentation ceremony will be held at the venue on the event day. 比賽當日將不會有頒獎儀式。

  10. Participants are only allowed to check-in 30 minutes before their assigned race start time. 參賽者只可在比賽起步時間請30分鐘之內前來登記。

  11. Participants’ safety and observation of law are of our top priorities. Please always exercise vigilance. Any violators will not allow to participate in the event. 參賽者必須符合法例有關規定任何違反者將不獲參賽資格。

  12. Open Water Swim Series Hong Kong reserves the right to final interpretation to the above mentioned rules and regulations. Open Water Swim Series Hong Kong . 如有任何爭議,Open Water Swim Series Hong Kong 保留以上所有規則及條款的最終演繹權利。

Startlist, Check in, and course details    Startlist,比賽日登記 及 詳細路線資料 

Check in, startlists and detailed course maps will be emailed to participants 3 days before the race day. 

比賽登記時間,Start list 及詳細路線圖 將會在 比賽日提前三日以電郵方式寄給參加者。

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Ferry to Peng Chau 坪洲小輪 時間表

# Fast Ferry takes 30mins from Central to Peng Chau 

* Ordinary Ferry Service take ~35mins from Central to Peng Chau

Anchor 1

Free Pre Race Training for Peng Chau Challenge

免費賽前訓練 - 坪洲環島泳賽 


To provide extra open water swim training for “PENG CHAU CHALLENGE 2022” participants.  Swimmers will receive more of a race specific experience in the elements organised by SPEEDY SWIMMING HK.


SPEEDY SWIMMING HK 提供賽前訓練班給“坪洲環島 泳賽 2022” 參賽者訓練機會。

Time /Date /Location  時間/ 日期 / 地點: 

  • Session 1 :24/9/2022 (SAT), REPULSE BAY 淺水灣 4:30-5:30pm

  • Session 2 :2/10/2022 (SUN), REPULSE BAY淺水灣 3:30-4:30pm

Waiting area / 等候地點

Lifeguard Tower One.  Please arrive 5 minutes before class start time. 5分鐘前到達等候

Requirement 要求:

Peng Chau Challenge participants.


Coach Sophia and Coach Lewis

Sophia is an experienced open water swimmer and podiumed at major local swim competitions such as Cross Harbour Swim. She was also awarded "Open Water Swimmer of the Year " by OWSHK. Both Sophia and Lewis are certified swim coaches with lifesaving and first aid certificates.

Sophia 為一個具經驗渡海泳手,於各本地游泳比賽得獎,包括維港渡海泳競賽組三甲泳手及 獲得 OWSHK 渡海泳年度泳手。Sophia 和Lewis 考獲游泳教練, 拯溺及急救證書。

Enquiry 查詢:

Registration deadline 登記限期

23/9/2022 (FRI)11pm - Session 1

1/10/2022(SAT)11pm - Session 2​



No Show Penalty 缺席費用 


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