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Dear Athletes, 


Thank you for registering for the Emerald Bay Classics. Our team is very excited to host you. Please read the following information carefully.  



Please find your bib number, start time and waiting zone at the Preliminary Start list. 



Any updates on the Startlist will only be posted on the Event Website



**All athletes must wear face masks at all times until race start. Group of 4 athletes must have a minimum distance of 1.5m from other groups** 


  1. Wear your swimsuit before arrival - We highly recommend you wear the swimming gear before arrival.  We only have eight pop up changing tents available next to the bag drop area.

  2. Body marking – Staff will mark your BIB number on your upper left and right arms. If you wear a long sleeve wetsuit, you will be provided with a swim cap with your BIB number.

  3. Race Waiver Form and VRC Health Declaration Form ("Forms")  

    • To avoid blockage at the Registration desk, please complete the forms before arrival.  

    • Forms can be downloaded HERE. Both forms should be completed in advance and will not be provided onsite.

  4. Race Registration  - 

    • Hand in the "Forms" and show the vaccination record (original hard copy issued by the government or the electronic vaccination record via LEAVEHOMESAFE app) to the registration staff.

    • Notify the staff whether you will join the wetsuit or non-wetsuit category.  

    • You are not allowed to change the category after registration.  We will have camera and staff to record swimmers’ outfit at the finish line. You are not allowed to enter premise over 30 minutes before your race start time for the 1.6km race, and over 45 minutes for the 3.2km race.

    • Please refer to the startlist for registration time. Only athletes are allowed to enter the premise.  Failure to complete the forms or show the vaccination record will NOT be allowed to race.  

  5. Bag Check/Safety Buoy & Towel Pickup.  

    • You can drop off your bag and pick up your safety buoy/towel (if you purchased one online during registration) at the bag drop station.  

    • Bag drop station is located next to the registration station.

 6.  Waiting Zone 

You should arrive at your assigned waiting zone no later than 10 minutes before your race start time.  


  1. There will be NO RACE BRIEFING. 

  2. You must be familiar with the course before the race.  Please go on to our Event Website for details. 

  3. The race will have an open water start, and you must line up behind the kayak. 

  4. 1.6km and 3.2km races are counter-clockwise (Buoys should always be on your left). 

  5. After finishing the race course, climb up the pontoon ladder, and walk towards the finish line.

  6. SAFETY BUOY is required during the entire race. GOOD LUCK!!

  7. Race Safety -Boats and kayaks will be positioned around the swim course for your safety.  If you need help during your swim, raise your arm and yell.



Souvenir and mask will be handed to you after you pass the finish line.  Please put on the mask immediately and leave the premise as soon as possible.  There will be NO award ceremony.  Race results will be posted on our website while prizes and awards will be mailed to podium winners after the race. 



 The Club is kind enough to host the event.  VRC does not allow swimmers to use the indoor showers located at the club building.  Please use the outdoor showers next to the race finish instead. There will also be 8 changing tents next to the bag drop station. 



Race organizers reserve the right to cancel the race they deem is the best interest and safety of the swimmers. 


If the Red/Black Rainstorm Warning or No.3 (or above) Typhoon Signal is hoisted at 5am on race day, the race will be cancelled and postponed to another day.

If Amber Rainstorm Warning, No. 1 Typhoon Signal or Thunderstorm Signal is on, we will decide whether to cancel or continue with the race subject to safety condition and environment.  We will post our decision whether to cancel or continue with the race by 5am on race day.  Please check our Event Website before 5am before you leave home on race day.


Your safety and observation of the law are of our top priorities.  Any non-compliance will result in immediate disqualification.

Thank you again for joining our race, and we need your cooperation to run the race as smoothly as possible under this special circumstance.  


We look forward to seeing you on Nov 14th!


Open Water Swim Series Hong Kong 

11th NOV 2021


You can keep update information by accessing our Open Water Swim series Hong KongFacebook Page  or Subscribe  to our email service.



多謝你們參加Emerald Bay Classics,請細心閱讀以下比賽內容:



請於Preliminary Startlist 找尋自己的參賽編號 Bib No,起步時間及等候區。



任何更新Startlist 將會上載於 比賽網頁



所有參賽者必須佩戴口罩直至比賽開始為止. 每組以4人 必須與其他組別保持最少1.5米距離。


1. 到達請穿好泳衣



請向工作人員報上 比賽編號 及 名字, 以便工作人員將比賽編號寫在 左邊及右邊的肩膊上。 如果你選擇 長袖Wetsuit 比賽,工作人員會向你提供一個 白色泳帽 請在泳帽上寫上比賽編號。

3. 預先下載及填好Race Waiver Form and VRC Health Declaration 表格。表格請按 此處下載

4. 登記

提交已填好的Race Waiver Form and VRC Health Declaration表格,出示疫苗注射證書(正本 或  安心出行 手機電子證書)。 未能提供表格或出示疫苗證書者不可進入。


請在登記時通知工作人員記錄 以 Wetsuit 或 非Wetsuit 作賽組別。 登記後不可改變作賽組別。 工作人員將會記錄泳手是否按照作賽組別, 以及有錄影加以記錄。


1.6公里參賽者不得於比賽前超過30分鐘 進入比賽場地, 3.2公里參賽者不得於比賽開始前超過45分鐘進入場地。 每位參賽者 “獲准進入比賽場地時間” 及”起步時間”請參閱STARTLIST。非參賽者不得進入比賽場地。


5. 背包寄存及領取定購物品



6. 等候區

你將於 你的比賽前10分鐘內安排進入你 所屬的等候區



1. 比賽日將不會有賽事簡介

2. 泳手可於比賽網頁 預先了解賽道

3. 比賽起步將會在水上起步, 起步點不得超越獨木舟

4. 比賽次序為1.6公里及3.2公里。 泳手比賽時所有的浮波必須在泳手的左邊

5. 參賽者爬上浮橋後請步行到岸上的終點線 為比賽終點

6. 所有參賽者於比賽進行期間必須 戴上游泳浮波

7. 比賽安全-獨木舟及機動船將於賽道上 確保泳手 安全。 如有需要可舉手及呼喚獨木舟艇手尋求協助。



比賽紀念品及口罩將會遞給完成的參賽人士。 請馬上戴上口罩及 盡早離開比賽會場。 比賽當日不設立頒獎儀式。

比賽結果將上載於比賽網頁。 獎牌,獎項會 及 已訂購完成賽事獎牌 將會郵寄給獲獎者。



泳手可使用室外的淋浴設備。 請勿在域多利會室更衣室內淋浴。



若由於天氣及特別狀況 關係,比賽大會保留取消大會保留取消比賽的權利。

如果因為紅色或黑色暴雨警告, 3號或以上颱風訊號 於比賽日 上午五時 啟動, 比賽將會取消及順延至另一比賽日 。

如果因為黃色暴雨警告訊號、 1號颱風信號 或雷暴警告信號啟動, 大會將按照具體情況決定是否如常舉行賽事。

比賽 如常舉行或 取消 將會於比賽日上午5時於比賽網頁公布確認。 所有參賽者必須於啟程前 上午5時留意比賽網頁公布。


泳手的安全及符合法例的要求至為重要, 任何未有遵守安全及有關守則將會被大會取消參賽者資格。


再次多謝各位參加 Emerald Bay Classic 2021, 比賽的順利進行有賴各位參賽者的配合。




Open Water Swim Series Hong Kong 



若你想得到更多訊息,請使用官方網站 Open Water Swim series Hong KongFacebook Page  或按 訂閱 電郵服務.

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